LoamicsPress ReleaseE-Health : the Universities of Nice Côte d’Azur and Rouen choose Loamics and its partner MyDataModels to collect, process and analyse medical data and improve patient journeys Copy
Rubrique Press Release27/09/2024

E-Health : the Universities of Nice Côte d’Azur and Rouen choose Loamics and its partner MyDataModels to collect, process and analyse medical data and improve patient journeys Copy

E-Health : the Universities of Nice Côte d’Azur and Rouen choose Loamics and its partner MyDataModels to collect, process and analyse medical data and improve patient journeys Copy

The teaching and general research departments of the Universities of Côte d’Azur and Rouen, in partnership with the DERMG (Department of Teaching and Research in General Medicine), use Loamics and MyDataModels for the analysis and processing of medical data. This initiative is the first stage in the PRIMEGE (Regional General Medicine Information Platform) project, which aims to collect anonymised data directly from the consultation software, without any effort on the part of the doctor, in order to build a database for research and evaluation of practices in general medicine.

It is currently very difficult to consolidate and analyse medical data in a global and relevant way since it comes from various software applications, which do not communicate with each other and only partially with the public health service. The non-interoperability of systems and the diversity, volume, security, governance and personal nature of medical data are all major challenges to be met in order to obtain the quality data that is an essential prerequisite for reliable analyses.

That is why the two Universities of Côte d’Azur and Rouen are using the solution offered by Loamics and MyDataModels. Loamics is a software publisher and has developed a PaaS software suite to address data issues. The Loamics platform is a very powerful infrastructure capable of processing huge masses of varying data types, continuously or in real time, through a fully automated, industrialised process. The system is interoperable, able to connect to any data source and handle any transmission protocol, to make the data more reliable and uniform. Once the intelligence of the data has been revealed, it is ready to be submitted to the artificial intelligence and predictive modelling platform developed by MyDataModels.

This project is being rolled out on a private cloud certified for its compliance with the French government’s HDS (Health Data Hosting) standard, enabling it to respond to all security issues.

David Darmon, a doctor, Director of the DERMG and Professor at the University of Côte d’Azur, says, “Today, in France, we are not exploiting the potential of medical data. We started by launching a pilot with Loamics which proved to be very conclusive and its results made us decide to entrust the project to Loamics and MyDataModels. Our ambition is simple, to enhance the data at our disposal to improve diagnosis, accelerate research and ensure personal patient care, while ensuring the maximum security of this data which we know to be sensitive.”

Stéphane Bollon, CEO of Loamics, adds, “Thank you to David Darmon, Matthieu Schuers(1) and Stefan Darmoni(2) for their confidence and for their ambition. Loamics is a solution that cuts across all business sectors. In the healthcare field, one of its differentiating advantages lies in our ability to manage metadata, which makes it very easy to anonymise data and overcome security challenges. We offer a solution that is unique on the market and we are confident in our ability to move forward with companies that have tested our solution and are unanimous on the value provided.”

(1) Matthew Schuers, lecturer at the University of Rouen and General Practitioner
(2) Stephane Darmoni, Professor of Medicine at Rouen University Hospital

About Loamics
Loamics, a software publisher founded by data specialists in 2020, has developed a PaaS technological infrastructure that ensures fully automated data processing, enhancing the value of the data and making it available immediately. Loamics gives all business sectors the tools for real data-driven oversight and decision-making based on the combination of smart, reliable and secure data.

More information is available at: www.loamics.com


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