LoamicsIndustriesData analytics for logistics and transportation

Data analytics for logistics and transportation

The complex nature of logistics operations makes Big Data a valuable ally for all companies in the sector, especially those in the transportation industry. Because their operations are so dynamic, there is a lot of data available that can be used to derive insights that improve industry performance. In fact, approximately 98% of companies in the logistics sector use Big Data to ensure their growth.  

How is data analytics used in the transportation industry?

The transportation and logistics industry are faced with many specific challenges. For example, road conditions, weather conditions, access difficulties during the last mile of delivery and the presence of the customer on site are all factors that greatly influence the price of transport. Thanks to Big data it is possible to have a 360° view on the totality of the supply chain parameters.

Improving performance on the last mile

Leveraging transportation company data with big data can help solve the problem of inefficiency when delivering goods on the last mile. In a typical supply chain, approximately 28% of the delivery price of a package depends on the last mile of delivery. With Big Data it is possible to better predict the delivery means adapted to this last mile. It is also possible to know the number of floors that the delivery workers must climb, know if and when the recipient is home and can also report any damage they may have caused to the package.

Going Beyond the Simple Traveler Algorithm

The traveling salesman algorithm has been used for a long time to optimize routes and delivery times. Unfortunately, the more pickup and drop-off points there are the more computational resources are required. Thanks to Big data and the machine learning that feeds off its information it is now possible to integrate road quality, changes in fuel prices as well as other difficult to predict variables into transportation cost calculations.

Deliver sensitive products more reliably

Delivering sensitive, fragile products or products with hazardous contents is an eternal headache for transportation companies. It requires special pick-up and drop-off conditions that often result in undesirable additional costs. This is especially true for perishable goods. More and more carriers are equipping their refrigerated trucks with IoT sensors to monitor the quality of the products being transported. Larger companies are even using blockchain to create smart contracts that link contract compliance to cold chain compliance. All of this is greatly simplified by big data.

Robotize warehouses and automate the supply chain

Big data allows for the complete automation of warehouse management as well as the entire supply chain. Market leaders like Amazon could not operate without these data science related technologies. The number of movements in the supply chain is so large that it becomes impossible to rely on human operators. Big data mining modules can directly control robots in warehouses allowing for global supervision when the transportation company’s data lake is tapped into for real-time insight into the entire supply chain.

How can big data transform the transportation industry?

Even though Big Data has been utilized the transportation and logistics industry for quite some time,  but can now go even further in its use cases. The following 7 not so frequently identified use can that can provide a definite competitive advantage to companies in the sector.

Reuse data

Reuse data from already operational systems in a more rational way

Transportation companies can take advantage of the vast data resources already collected by their pre-existing operational systems.

They can use it with machine learning algorithms to boost their business.

A clear view of the weather

Get a clear view of the weather

Weather forecasts are becoming more and more accurate and are made further in advance.

Weather conditions are by far one of the major concerns of the transportation industry. It is quite relevant to integrate this information into a data lake operated by the Big Data of a transport company.

Vehicle fleets

Supervise in real time the state and position of vehicle fleets

Thanks to GPS in particular, transport companies are already used to locating the vehicles in their fleet.

With Big Data, they can also use real-time information and connect it to their business processes to immediately know the economic impact of the positioning of their vehicles during delivery or order taking.

Business forecasts

Create more reliable business forecasts

With Big Data, transportation companies can create more reliable business forecasts.

They are fortunate to be able to use variables with well-known limits such as mileage, weather, transport times and so on. It is therefore possible to establish economic models of operations in near real time to predict their evolution.

Industrial performance

Communicate your industrial performance

Marketing plans for transportation companies rely heavily on demonstrating their ability to deliver on time.

They can plan to create dashboards for their customers that leverage Big Data to showcase their industry performance.

Web Site Data

Tracking Web Site Data Viewing Trends

By leveraging big data to track data usage patterns on their websites, transportation companies can make improvements to their user experience.

For example, they can make the information that is most frequently accessed more accessible. They can also provide their customers with support services where they are most needed.

Social media information

Leverage social media information

The transportation industry is not designed for B2B transactions on proprietary platforms. Individuals are not to be overlooked, especially when delivering during the holiday season. It is possible to use information from social media to increase awareness of the company’s services.

Moreover, many professional organizations do not hesitate to include their product and service offers. By exploiting the data they expose it is easier to develop or improve products and services thanks to a Business Intelligence based on Big data.

LOAMICS-Total Suite, a key asset for logistics

LOAMICS-Total Suite has strengths that are unmatched by the competition. Processing is performed on a dynamic basis with a high level of interoperability. This results in a high ROI in terms of time and tool TCO. LOAMICS-DataLake is immediately accessible and unlimited. The integration of our modules is fast and non-intrusive to your existing cloud and transportation industry applications. The price of the Suite is fixed, it is not based on the number of connected users and the amount of data collected, stored, or processed. Finally, IT team training is accessible and fast. Our team is very attentive of specific transportation industry use cases.  Let us provide you with personalized answers to your problems in the shortest possible time.